Aetheria: Heroes Wiki
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Soundtravel1000 trekked through the forest, still thinking about what he had done. It had been almost a week since he left home, without telling anyone, so that he could be out in the world. The real world. He had left the town of Hollengrand with nothing but a horse and his combat items. Hollengrand was a town chock-full of blacksmiths and dwarves. He was a human, so he never felt like he had belonged there. He barely knew anyone, so it wasn’t a big deal. He was now in the forest, with nature, where he wanted to be.

It was an odd choice, he had chosen to be a Nethermancer, so no one had liked him, just because that class was usually used by evildoers. He was not an evildoer, however. He lived to banish all evil. And also to get XP. He thought to himself. Sound had, instead of freaking out like the other Terrarians upon their arrival, began playing the game almost immediately. He was a “power gamer”. Almost everything he did had to do with leveling himself up, or getting better items. To sum it up, he lived for stats.

Today, Sound didn’t have any reason to be moving, he just was. He was looking for something interesting. He was bored, to tell the truth. There must be something I can do today. Then, almost in immediate response, he heard footsteps, two pairs of feet. No. At least five, he thought. He glanced in the direction it was coming from. Ok, a LOT more than five. He swung up into the nearest tree, and activated his ability: [Hide]. From the tree, he could clearly see the stampede. It was almost a hundred mobs, from skeletons to Irontusks, all dashing east, metal clanking as they ran. Where are they going? He wondered. He scanned his brain for all the locations east of here. Then he realized: They’re headed to the green hollow! The green hollow was a large clearing in the middle of ravensong, one of the most knowledgeable towns in middle Eohune. He kind of liked that town. If they dared to destroy it… His amulet began glowing softly. This item was a rare accessory known as: ‘Amulet of Aggravation’ and it began glowing and pulsing red whenever he was mad, as well as giving him a small bonus to strength during that time. He climbed up onto a branch so that he was directly above the horde, and as he dropped down he thought: Time for some XP.

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